The new experience of breast augmentation

Feel the difference, design your ultimate look, and experience support throughout your journey.

JOY® by Motiva® is the first program of its kind for women looking for an elevated breast augmentation experience.

JOY® includes the latest implant technology to offer enhanced safety, smaller incisions, a comprehensive warranty program, and additional support if you decide to remove your implants.

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New formula for enhanced ergonomy with improved mechanical properties.1


A controlled advanced smooth surface that improves biocompatibility.2


A lightly tinted, blue barrier layer, made with biocompatible dyes to allow for its pre-surgical visual inspection.


A gel with a unique set of rheological properties that provides a better adaptation to movement than other silicone gels tested, resembling the mobility of natural tissue.1


A proprietary multi-layer system unifying the implant’s structure and allowing it to bend and squeeze.1


Qid® is battery-free and passive radiofrequency identification device that safely stores the serial number and related information about your implants.3

1 Data on file. Establishment Labs®.

2 Doloff JC, Veiseh O, de Mezerville R, et al. The surface topography of silicone breast implants mediates the foreign body response in mice, rabbits and humans. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2021;5(10):1115-1130. doi:10.1038/s41551-021-00739-4

3 Nelson MT, Brattain KA, Williams JM. Does Electronic Identification Enablement for Silicone Gel Implants Impact Patient Safety? J Surg Open Access. 2018;4(1):1-7. doi:10.16966/2470-0991.162



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