Breast Augmentation: Incisions Decisions and Scarring

Blog Post August 20, 2020 4 MIN READ

One of the most common questions from women considering a breast augmentation regards the incision site and scarring. We all know that to insert a breast implant, your surgeon needs to make an incision. This part of the procedure will essentially heal and leave a scar in varying degrees, which can range from the size and type of the implant you choose, to your individual anatomy and lifestyle. Ultimately, the incision’s location is up to you and what your surgeon is comfortable with. To give you an overall idea of your options, here we’ll be looking at some of the most common implant incisions sites and how you can minimize your post-surgical scar!

1. The Inframammary Fold

First and foremost, the most commonly used incision site in breast augmentation surgery is in the INFRAMAMMARY FOLD or breast crease. This incision is placed at the bottom of your breast in the fold where your breast meets the chest. This incision has multiple benefits from providing your surgeon with clear visualization of your pocket, thus minimizing surgical complications and avoiding contact with the milk ducts which helps bacterial contamination.

2. The Periareolar (nipple incision)

Commonly referred to as the NIPPLE INCISION, this incision is actually made around the edge of the areola (dark skin around the nipple) and not the nipple. Some surgeons prefer not to use this site due to the concerns around the close proximity of the incision site and the milk ducts which potentially cause bacterial contamination. The visibility of the scar with this incision may vary from patient to patient.

3. The Transaxillary incision (armpit incision)

Associated with increased risk of infection due to bacteria contamination from the armpit the TRANSAXILLARY incision is often used in women who want to avoid a scar in the breast area. The incision is made within a natural crease in the armpit, and the implant is then inserted through a tunnel to the breast. Some surgeons prefer not to use this location due to the incision site’s distance to the breast. There are also concerns around the close proximity of the incision site and the armpit’s sweat glands, which can potentially cause bacterial contamination.

4. The Transumbilical incision (belly button incision)

The trans-umbilical incision, often referred to as TUBA, involves making a small incision in the belly button for implant insertion. Using a medical camera known as an endoscope, the surgeon creates a tunnel from the belly button to the breast to make a pocket in the breast. Once the pocket is created, a deflated saline implant is inserted via the belly button and tunnelled through up into the breast. Once in position, the implant is then inflated with saline to the desired size. This incision site is less commonly used due to the challenging insertion technique and that only saline implants can be used.

Incision scar: What scar?

Ok, so we have nailed the implant incisions. But what about the scar? Most commonly, surgeons will make an incision between 4-6cm long, sometimes up to 8cm. This is to allow enough room for the breast implant to be inserted. Thanks to our exclusive Motiva MINIMALSCAR® surgery, you now have the option of a smaller incision. In some cases the incision can be up to 2.5 cm, we’re talking the size of a small paperclip, ladies. How, you ask? By using our unique and extremely dynamic ERGONOMIX® implants, together with specialized Motiva® tools, surgeons can slide the implants through the smaller space.

But that’s not all, in addition to a minimal scar, you will also reap the benefits of:

  • But that’s not all, in addition to a minimal scar, you will also reap the benefits of:
  • Reduces exposure to bacteria
  • Smaller incisions = smaller scars. This provides woman with a more natural looking and subtle breast augmentation

For more information on Motiva® exclusive designed surgeries, CLICK HERE.


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*The information provided is for informational and educational purposes only, the content herein is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a physician. Motiva SmoothSilk® Round and Motiva SmoothSilk Ergonomix® implants have received Premarket Approval (PMA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Augmentation Indication, and are commercially available in the US.
Motiva Implants® for Reconstruction Indication are not yet commercially available in the US and are undergoing clinical investigation pursuant to FDA regulations for investigational medical devices.

**The statements and opinions presented here are applicable to each individual. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others. All statements are voluntarily provided and are not paid, nor were they provided with free products, services, or any benefits in exchange for said statements. The statements are representative of patient experience; the exact results and experience will be unique and individual to each patient.