My Motiva® Journey: Fabi

Blog Post May 26, 2020 3 MIN READ

If you’re in the mid-research phase, considering if having a breast augmentation is really the right choice for you, sometimes reading up on other women’s experiences helps.

So let’s get right down to it- journalist and Motiva® girl, Fabiola, gives us a closer look into what her breast augmentation journey was like.

Having a breast augmentation was a dream I had for several years, a dream that came with economic effort and some fears, which meant making it with responsibility.

I started researching clinics, surgeons and the opinions of other women that had gone through the same procedure, and thank God I found Dr. Manuel Chacón, the surgeon that I trusted with my dreams and my life. I can very honestly tell you that as soon as I heard his recommendations, I knew I was in the best hands.

It’s common to walk into the first consultation with many false ideas instilled by others about the implant size, whether it should be above or below the muscle, the incisions, the implant brand and so much more. However, with so much experience and professionalism, the doctor made me see that all bodies are different and unique, and what works for another patient doesn’t necessarily work for me. Thanks to this explanation, today I have the perfect result for my body.

The natural appearance of my breasts was thanks to using the exact measurements- taking into account the natural tissue I already had, and adding to it an implant that complemented my size well, and without a doubt, using the most technological implant in the world, which I knew since my first consultation when I felt and saw its softness and movement for the first time. In my case, we went with Motiva Ergonomix®, which moves with my body. This means that if I stand, they have a natural drop, if I lay down, they take the natural form of my body and if I move to the side, they fall perfectly, which shows that at all times, they adapt to my position, and to this day, nobody can tell they are implants.

The secret to a great result is to find the best implant, the best surgeon, and to follow all the instructions for pre- and post-op. In my case, I had a wonderful recovery, without any pain, and was back to my daily routine very quickly.

As of today, I’ve had my Motiva Implants® for a year and four months, and it was one of my best decisions. Now I am more confident in myself, I feel better and am happy with my results. If this is your dream too, go ahead!

*The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented are applicable to each individual. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others. The testimonials are voluntarily provided and are not paid, nor were they provided with free products, services or any benefits in exchange of said statements. The testimonials are representative of patient experience but the exact results and experience will be unique and individual to each patient.

Interested in hearing more patient journeys? Follow us on social media and get connected with other Motiva® girls!

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*The information provided is for informational and educational purposes only, the content herein is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a physician. Motiva SmoothSilk® Round and Motiva SmoothSilk Ergonomix® implants have received Premarket Approval (PMA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Augmentation Indication, and are commercially available in the US.
Motiva Implants® for Reconstruction Indication are not yet commercially available in the US and are undergoing clinical investigation pursuant to FDA regulations for investigational medical devices.

**The statements and opinions presented here are applicable to each individual. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others. All statements are voluntarily provided and are not paid, nor were they provided with free products, services, or any benefits in exchange for said statements. The statements are representative of patient experience; the exact results and experience will be unique and individual to each patient.