Your Guide to Possible Post-Op Complications

Blog Post March 25, 2021 5 MIN READ

Let’s take a look at some of the most common complications following breast surgery and how Motiva® can help minimize them.

Breast augmentation is recognized as one of the leading cosmetic procedures performed worldwide, and just like with any other surgery, it is one that comes with possible risks of complications. If you are considering undergoing breast surgery for aesthetic or reconstructive reasons, you should bear in mind that the decision shouldn’t be made lightly, rather should be approached with well-grounded research. With the right choices, breast surgery can be very beneficial and has been known to bring many positive effects to women’s lives, from providing social and self-confidence to the feeling of being whole again after cancer surgery. The right choice in breast implants and surgeon, for example, can be the difference between a great result and a possible journey of surgical complications. So, how can some surgical complications be avoided? Let’s take a look at some of the most common complications following breast surgery and how Motiva® can help minimize them.

First and foremost, capsular contracture

Every woman undergoing breast augmentation will form a scar around her breast implant; this is normal. However, capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue continues to contract (harden) around the breast implant, causing the breast to tighten and look distorted, and can also create pain and discomfort. Recognized as the most common complication following breast augmentation surgery, capsular contracture has been plaguing the world of breast implants for decades. However, thanks to our exclusive BIOCOMPATIBLE SURFACE, the risk of capsular contracture with Motiva Implants® is less than 1% in over a million implants worldwide!


Coming in at a close second is implant rupture. Breast implant rupture can occur extracapsular (outside the implant capsule) and often presents as a lump with or without pain, which can be easily detected. However, this sneaky complication can also occur silently, within the capsule, known as intracapsular rupture. These ruptures can be tricky to detect and often present in ‘stealth mode’, without symptoms. Therefore, it is always recommended to have regular MRI scans to hunt out this crafty complication.

Still, we believe prevention is better than having to cure, and that’s why we brought women the first-of-its-kind BluSeal® technology, which provides visualization of an intact barrier layer allowing for detection of gel fracture, in addition to our TrueMonobloc® technology, which enables the implant to move as one whole structure, thus increasing the durability of the shell. It is through these next generation cutting edge technologies, exclusive to Motiva®, that we have achieved an impressive less than 1% rupture rate in over one million implants worldwide, providing women with the ability to get on with their active lives post-surgery without the constant worry of implant rupture.

Rippling and/or implant visibility

Although some of us do not mind the tell-tale augmented look, there is a fine line between the augmented look and obvious rippling or implant visibility. Rippling occurs when visible ripples can be seen or felt on the surface of the breast. This can be a result of insufficient tissue coverage or a result of the implant type. Underfilled breast implants, saline breast implants and textured breast implants (causing traction rippling) can all be culprits of breast implant rippling or implant visibility. To avoid this type of complication, all Motiva Implants® are 100% filled with our highly elastic gel, designed to make implant rippling a thing of the past. But that’s not all, patients with low tissue coverage now have the option to fill in the breast tissue area with MOTIVAHYBRID®, a special procedure that can help contour the breasts with the body’s own fat, which not only removes stubborn fat from unwanted areas, but also provides additional coverage to the breasts in addition to correcting any asymmetries!

Symmastia and lateral displacement

We all like a bit of side boob or a well-defined cleavage, but when our breast implants are almost sitting on our back (lateral displacement) or have permanently moved in with one another (displaced medially), in what can only be described as a “uniboob’’ (Symmastia), we have a slight problem on our hands. These two complications are often caused when implant selection was a little too big for the patient’s anatomy, or her surgeon got a little too excited during surgery and over-dissected the pocket, allowing room for the implant to shift around inside. And just as breast implants can move towards the chest or laterally towards the armpit, they can also move south, which leads us to the next complication.

Bottoming out and double bubble

These two complications basically mean the breast implants have decided to head south, causing an increased volume in the lower pole of the breast or a visible bulge at the bottom of your breast. Many factors can cause these complications, like the implants size, surgical technique or even the natural aging effects of the breast tissues.

We recognize that although implant displacement, whether that be medially, laterally, or inferiorly (south of your breast) is not exactly related to the breast implants per se, we still wanted to bring women a means of preventing these complications. For that reason, we have created our Motiva® CENTER LOCATOR, as an aid for women around the world to search for exclusive MotivaImagine® centers or board-certified Motiva® surgeon partners, that can help guide in the implant selection process, and bring women closer to their final dream results.

Although, there are many complications which can occur with breast augmentation surgery, with the combination of the right surgeon, the right implants, the right surgical techniques, and the correct surgical care, surgical complications can be greatly minimized. As a women’s health company, we are committed to helping you make smart, beautiful choices about your health.


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*The information provided is for informational and educational purposes only, the content herein is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a physician. Motiva SmoothSilk® Round and Motiva SmoothSilk Ergonomix® implants have received Premarket Approval (PMA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Augmentation Indication, and are commercially available in the US.
Motiva Implants® for Reconstruction Indication are not yet commercially available in the US and are undergoing clinical investigation pursuant to FDA regulations for investigational medical devices.

**The statements and opinions presented here are applicable to each individual. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others. All statements are voluntarily provided and are not paid, nor were they provided with free products, services, or any benefits in exchange for said statements. The statements are representative of patient experience; the exact results and experience will be unique and individual to each patient.