Preserve | Breast Tissue Preservation Preserve | Breast Tissue Preservation

Minimally-invasive breast surgery utilizing tissue preservation, specialized technologies, and techniques to reshape the breast while conserving its intrinsic structure and function.

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Preserve their breast anatomy

Preservé introduces an innovative technique for low-impact breast surgery, preserving the patient’s native breast tissues and sensation over time*.1

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Preserve their breast stability

Our less-invasive* preservation technique minimizes the damage to women’s natural breast structures by elongating the native tissues to nest around the device. This approach enhances stability, as evidenced by a clinical study which reported a 0% rate of inferior malposition at three years.1

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Preserve their breasts—Soft and beautiful

Combining the SmoothSilk® Ergonomix2® implant with Preservé’s proprietary tools to complete the Preservé system, patients will benefit from smaller scars, low device-related complications, without disrupting their native breast tissues allowing for a quick, and safe recovery.2

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Preserve their peace of mind

By combining the Motiva SmoothSilk® surface with Preservé, this approach is designed to minimize tissue disruption and promote a low inflammatory response.3 This procedure allows for peace of mind, backed by clinical evidence displaying no complications such as proliferative diseases (like BIA-ALCL). Additionally, Preservé’s warranty package offers patient support in the rare event of a device-related complication or an undesired outcome.4

*Compared to traditional breast augmentation.





1. Tunneling with Motiva®
Channel Separator

Procedure part 1

2. Controlled tissue elongation
with Motiva® Inflatable Balloon

Procedure part 2

3. Deployment of SmoothSilk® Ergonomix2® with the Motiva® Insertion Sleeve

Procedure part 3

Your Guide to
Preservé tools

  1. Establishment Labs®, CLINR-001035. Fifth Progress Report for Minimally Invasive Breast Augmentation Traditional Feasibility Study (CLINP-001007). Data on file.
  2. Szychta, P. Advancements in Aesthetic Breast Augmentation: Evaluating the Safety, Efficacy, and Naturalistic Outcomes of Ergonomix2® Implants. Aesth Plast Surg. 2024.
  3. Doloff JC, Veiseh O, de Mezerville R, et al. The surface topography of silicone breast implants mediates the foreign body response in mice, rabbits and humans. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2021. doi:10.1038/s41551-021-00739-4 4. Establishment Labs®, Post-Market Surveillance Preliminary Results Q3 2024. Data on File.
  4. Establishment Labs, DOC-001044: Channel Separator Instructions for Use. Data on file.
  5. Establishment Labs®, DOC-001057: Directions for use Motiva® Insertion Sleeve. Data on File.
  6. Establishment Labs®, TS-001449: Determination of the Motiva® Implants® Ergonomix2® Maximum Volume Deployment through Different Opening Sizes of Motiva® Sleeve. Data on File.
  7. Montemurro P, Fischer S, Schyllander S, Mallucci P, Hedén P. Implant Insertion Time and Incision Length in Breast Augmentation Surgery with the Keller Funnel: Results from a Comparative Study. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2019;43(4):881-889. doi:10.1007/s00266-019-01401-w
  8. Establishment Labs®, TS-001196: Mechanical and peel testing study of Motiva Implants® to support the TrueMonobloc® technology. Data on File.
  9. Establishment Labs, DDD-006: Device Description Document for Motiva Implants® Ergonomix2. Data on File.
  10. Establishment Labs, TS-001228: Technical Study Report Adaptability (Softness) Testing. Data on File.
  11. Establishment Labs, TS-001298: Technical Study Report Artifacts Assessment when comparing Ferrite Microtransponder (Qid) vs Non-Ferrite Microtransponder (Zen) when submitting the samples to various medical imaging modalities. Data on File.


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